Home Free Courses Elearnmarkets ADVANCED EXCEL Free Course with Free Certificate

Elearnmarkets ADVANCED EXCEL Free Course with Free Certificate

Free excel Course

Hello Learners,

If you want learn Basic to Advance Excel then this post can save your 1500 rupees, Elearnmarket is offering its premium excel course for Free, Anyone can enroll in and benefit from ElearnMarkets’ new course, ADVANCED EXCEL TUTORIAL ONLINE, whether they are a beginner or a seasoned professional. The course costs $1475, but with the promo code, you can receive it for nothing.


Excel For Free


  • 27 Videos
  • 10+ Hours of Content
  • 10+ Supplementary Study Materials

Also Read: Javascript Complete Course


Excel is one of the most widely and extensively used applications around the world. From offices to homes, from professionals to students, from homemakers to artists, everybody needs Excel for professional or personal work. But unfortunately, most people who use Excel, do it in a very limited way because most people are not aware of the full spectrum of tools and functionalities provided by Excel. These tools and features are very easy to learn and will multiply the utility of Excel for you several times. It will also make you very efficient and effective in using Excel.

Advanced Excel Tutorial covers both fundamental as well as advanced excel concepts. It ensures that the participants not only understand these concepts with the help of well designed examples but also develop the thought process so that they can apply the learning in their day to day education or professional life.


The focus of this course is to equip the participants with all the knowledge, understanding, and practice that they need to be able to use MS Excel easily, effectively, and efficiently. In this course, we cover the entire range of topics, from the very basics to the advanced topics.


  • No prior knowledge of Excel is required.
  • From most basics to the advanced topics covered in a single course.
  • Detailed explanations with an adequate practical demonstration for best understanding.


  • Basics of Excel
  • Formatting tools and options
  • Various functions – mathematical, statistical, text, date and time, logical, lookup, financial, etc.
  • Various tools in Excel for managing and manipulating data
  • Power query and power pivot
  • Charts and pivot charts
  • Interactive dashboards
  • Handling errors and other useful features of Excel

Course Benefit

  • Excel is all about increasing productivity and efficiency.
  • There are many things which are currently done either manually or using basic excel feature. But there are more efficient and smart ways to do it, which will not only save time but also increase productivity.
  • After successful completion of the course, the students will receive a “Certificate of Completion”

Apply code: QUICKSUPPORT (to get this course for Free)

Go To Course: Click Here


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