Home Courses 7 Free Cybersecurity Online Courses – Apply Now!

7 Free Cybersecurity Online Courses – Apply Now!

free cybersecurity courses

Hello Everyone! Discover the power of free cybersecurity online courses and enhance your skills. Increase your potential today! and Unlock Your Success. Feel excited? Then read more about it.

Free  Cybersecurity Courses

There has never been a greater need for cybersecurity experts than there is right now, as cybercrime has grown into a problem for individuals and businesses alike. Since the COVID-19 epidemic has prompted enterprises to move to online platforms, cybersecurity measures have become even more crucial, contributing to an increase in the number of cybersecurity professionals needed. It is also possible for small businesses to protect themselves; however, they lack the knowledge to do so. That’s why there’s a high demand for cybersecurity-related jobs. Here are the 7 best cybersecurity online courses for free.

Benefits of These Programs

Professional Growth: Enrolling in a cybersecurity course may open up new professional avenues and because of it improve employment possibilities.

Personal security: educating individuals and companies on how to be safe in a technologically advanced world. Also, Help

Professional development: This could be helpful for professionals in IT, network administration, and other tech-related roles. In Addition, You can advance your knowledge and develop your abilities in cybersecurity by taking courses in the field.

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Additionally, taking cybersecurity classes can give participants the knowledge and ability to spot any dangers and take precautions to safeguard their data and equipment. They can also offer advice on how to utilize two-factor authentication, make strong passwords, and be mindful of the possible dangers of using public Wi-Fi networks. As a result, you will become an Expert in cybersecurity

This is a list of cybersecurity courses to assist you in making your decision. the best one for your needs.

disclaimer: Affiliate links may appear in some courses.

1. Introduction to Cybersecurity

 Free Cybersecurity Courses

The coursework is designed to be taken over four weeks and is taught by the Director of the Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity. University of Washington students interested in being literate in cybersecurity can take this course.

  • Incident response and recovery: This topic addresses how to detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents effectively.
  • Security policies and regulations: Students will understand the importance of security policies and compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and others.
  • Threats and vulnerabilities: Students will explore the various types of threats and vulnerabilities that can compromise the security of systems and networks.
  • Security principles and practices: Students will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental principles and best practices for securing systems and protecting data.
  • Network security: This topic covers aspects such as network infrastructure, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure protocols for protecting network communications.
  • Risk management: Students will learn how to identify, assess, and manage risks to determine the most effective ways to protect information and ensure system integrity.

Certifications can be purchased for an additional fee after passing the free cybersecurity online course, but payment is not mandatory.

  • Certificate Cost: Free
  • Certificate: Yes, with a fee
  • Time Need To Complete: Four weeks
  • Curriculum of program: Introductory
  • Experience of People: Excellent
  • Quality of teacher: Excellent

Click Here to Enroll

2. Developing a Cybersecurity Toolkit

Cybersecurity Courses

The University of Washington is pleased to announce the addition of a highly regarded free online cybersecurity course to its curriculum, in collaboration with the edX platform. Second on the university’s list, this course goes deeper than others by providing helpful and applicable methods for skill development that students may apply to their professional endeavors.

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The four-week cybersecurity course, taught by professionals in the field, provides a thorough curriculum that enables students to dedicate two to five hours per week to learning. With its top-notch curriculum and emphasis on practical skills, this course gives students the information and resources they need to thrive in the quickly developing profession of cybersecurity.

  • Certificate Cost: Free
  • Certificate: Yes, with a fee
  • Time Need To Complete: Four weeks
  • Curriculum of program: Introductory
  • Experience of People: Excellent
  • Quality of teacher: Excellent

Click Here to Enroll

3. Brief Introduction To Cyber Security For Businesses

For those in the corporate world, having a practical, layman’s understanding of cybersecurity is essential. The University of Washington, in partnership with the edX platform, is happy to provide a free online course designed just for this audience. The course is designed to be finished in two weeks, and it suggests spending seven hours a week to fully comprehend the fundamentals of cybersecurity. The curriculum adheres to a straightforward, universally accessible structure for learning. Instructor Greg Williams will skillfully lead participants through the complex and varied world of cybersecurity, covering everything from the principles of risk assessment and confidentiality to the tools and procedures necessary for protecting enterprises.

Professionals in business who want to improve their understanding of cybersecurity in a relevant and useful way will find this special course to be ideal.

  • Certificate Cost: Free
  • Certificate: Yes, with a fee
  • Time Need To Complete: 14 hours
  • Curriculum of program: Introductory
  • Experience of People: Excellent
  • Quality of teacher: Excellent

Click Here to Enroll

4. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

One of the top organizations in the field of systems security is the SANS Institute. They provide the same curriculum that cybersecurity engineers throughout the globe are trained in in order to increase the pool of talented cybersecurity engineers. There is no cost to take the course, and there are no prerequisites other than a few standard pieces of gear and software. There are no expenses to begin taking courses from the SANS Institute, and there is no need to register. The course offers a thorough overview of the technological aspects of the area, giving students a great chance to acquire important cybersecurity knowledge and skills.

  • Certificate Cost: Free
  • Certificate: NO
  • Time Need To Complete: Varies
  • Curriculum of program: Introductory to Intermediate
  • Experience of People: Excellent
  • Quality of teacher: Excellent

Click Here to Enroll

5. Cybersecurity for Beginners

It’s fantastic that this course is geared towards both home users and enterprises. This wide variety of target audiences indicates that the course content may cover a broad spectrum of cybersecurity topics, from basic to advanced levels.

Free Courses

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The course’s coverage of six main topics should be comprehensive enough to provide students with a solid foundation in cybersecurity. Here are the topics that are covered:

  1. Password security
  2. Social engineering
  3. Malware protection
  4. Online privacy and data protection
  5. Wi-Fi security
  6. Software updates

Gaining knowledge of these subjects can greatly strengthen one’s security posture because they are all essential issues in the realm of cybersecurity. Because of the course’s self-paced design, students are free to finish it whenever they choose. For working individuals who would like to learn about cybersecurity but are pressed for time and cannot attend a live session, this is an excellent offering. Because of the course’s self-paced design, students are free to finish it whenever they choose. For working individuals who would like to learn about cybersecurity but are pressed for time and cannot attend a live session, this is an excellent offering.

  • Certificate Cost: Free
  • Certificate: NO
  • Time Need To Complete: 5 Week
  • Curriculum of program: Introductory
  • Experience of People: Good
  • Quality of teacher: Good

Click Here to Enroll

6. The Cybersecurity Training

The four modules that make up the course each focus on a distinct cybersecurity topic. In the first module, students are introduced to some fundamental ideas and given an overview of the discipline. Web application security is covered in the third module, whereas network security is the subject of the second. Mobile device security is finally covered in the fourth module. Students used to more structured learning platforms may find it difficult to navigate this open-source training due to its unsatisfactory user experience. Having said that, the site has a wealth of content, which is why we’ve listed it as one of the greatest free sources for studying cybersecurity. The course is meant to be taken at your own pace.

  • Certificate Cost: Free
  • Certificate: NO
  • Time Need To Complete: Varies
  • Curriculum of program: Introductory to advance
  • Experience of People: Fair
  • Quality of teacher: Good

Click Here to Enroll

Cybersecurity Courses

7. Mobile App Security

The Cybrary platform’s short course on mobile app security offers a comprehensive understanding of the growing cybersecurity discipline, providing insights on best practices and techniques for securing mobile applications and empowering users to protect their data from potential security threats.

  • Certificate Cost: Free
  • Certificate: NO
  • Time Need To Complete: one hour and 12 minutes
  • Curriculum of program: Introductory
  • Experience of People: Excellent
  • Quality of teacher: Excellent

Click Here to Enroll

Hope these courses help you.

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