Home Free Courses Learn Android Application Development

Learn Android Application Development


What You’ll Learn

  • A beginner course on Android Application development
  • Have a good overview of the Java programming language
  • Install Android Studio and setup the environment
  • Debug an Android Application
  • Create a signed APK file to submit to the Google Play Store
  • Use Explicit and Implicit Intents
  • Make use of Fragments
  • Create a Custom List View
  • Create the Android Actionbar
  • Create a custom Toast
  • Use Shared Preferences, Files and SQLite
  • Use the AsyncTask class
  • Handle Android 6 Permissions
  • Save data in an online database (MBAAS – Backendless) and do User management

Course Detail

4.6 (15,904 ratings)

352,455 students Enrolled 

26hr 50min of on-demand video (English)

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